Aufbauphase: Methoden der Computer- linguistik


Here are the detailed guidelines for this seminar. Please read them carefully.

On our first meeting on Oct 27, I will introduce and motivate the topic in a live session and we’ll get to know each other. Then we’ll alternate among three types of lessons:

This course will mostly follow an inverted classroom scheme.

Each Wednesday at 14:00 I will publish a reading/watching list on Moodle. You need to work through that on your own during the week. Feel free to organise reading groups with your friends to do that together. There will be a documentation form on Moodle about the week’s content that you must fill in until the following Wednesday at 10:00.

We’ll meet at Wednesdays at 12:00. In our meetings, you will work in randomly assigned groups to solve an exercise sheet or a short programming assignment. I will also use part of the time to give feedback about the previous week and help you with your questions.

You must upload your solutions on Moodle by the following Monday at 23:59.

Come to class prepared, i.e., watch the videos / read the material before our meeting.

This course is a reading/discussion-based seminar, which means that it requires a ‘minds on’ and proactive approach from participants. Plan your schedule accordingly, as some weeks will require a lot of reading.

The weekly documentation, worksheets and programming assignments are requirements to pass the course.

Weekly schedule

  1. Wednesday at 12:00: meeting + worksheet/assignment released
  2. Wednesday at 14:00: next reading/watching list released
  3. Monday at 23:59: worksheet/assignment due (upload on Moodle)
  4. following Wednesday at 10:00: documentation due (form on Moodle)

Final project


Submission deadline for the final project: March 31, 2022, 23:59.
