I have been a research assistant at the University of Potsdam, Germany, where I did my Ph.D as a member of the Computational Linguistics Lab (colabPotsdam) led by Prof. David Schlangen. The focus of my research has been Dialogue, or more specifically: building common ground, incremental processing and clarification requests. In my thesis, I focused on designing theory-based evaluation methods bridging NLP and cognitive science to help us understand the limits of current neural network models to process dialogue phenomena. The title of my thesis is “Incrementally Enriching the Common Ground: Cognitively Motivated Evaluative Approaches to Dialogue Processing with Deep Learning Models”. You can find it here.
I’m also broadly interested in all aspects about evaluation and ethics of language technologies. I particularly enjoy doing data and error analysis. Besides, I am passsionate about teaching, learning and education.
I got my M.Sc. in Language Science and Technology at the University of Saarland, Germany with a thesis project in the scope of the SFB1102 Project A3 with Prof. Alexander Koller. I applied semi-supervised learning methods to extract script knowledge from texts. Before that, I received my B.Sc. in Applied and Computational Mathematics at the Institute of Mathematics and Statistics of the University of São Paulo, Brazil.